Blogs for Namib Race (Namibia) 2024

Blogs are first-hand accounts written by racers before, during and after each race. They are a great resource for those embarking on a multi-day stage race.

Kristina Huffman


May 2024

Reflections Post Race

It's taken a week and a half to process the enormity of my third desert crossing with RacingThePlanet. Without any doubt, this was the single most cha ...

Richard Behringer


May 2024

Post Race - Reflections

It has been a little more than one week since we crossed the finish line on the beach in Swakopmund. It was epic! I hope everyone is recovering well. ...

Morlie Wang


May 2024

Post Race Post

What did I learn?It was hot. It was difficult. You can live off the fat of your body for a long time.Salt and water are most important.Chicken boulli ...

Adam Park


May 2024

Stage 6 – the finish.

Last 10 km, done. We were always going to finish the last stage if we made it past the long march. The route was mostly soft sand, and we did it in ju ...

Jeanne Chen


May 2024


We are DONE! We ran the last 10km this morning at full speed - impatient to get to the beach bar finish line with its promises of cold drinks and rea ...

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