RacingThePlanet / 4 Deserts Blogs
Blogs are a way to read exciting first-hand accounts written live from the Cybertent during each race as well as about the preparation leading up to the race and the lessons learned afterwards. Write you own blog to keep a record of your preparation, and keep your friends and family updated each day during the race.
There are many thousands of blog entries from more than seventy (70) races since 2003. If your search criteria is very wide then it may take a little bit of time for the search to take place and the results to show.
A Special Edition race was held in the country of Georgia in 2022 as the Gobi March could not take place due to travel restrictions. The Gobi March 2022 blogs below are for Special Edition: Georgia 2022.

Post-Race Reflections
It has been a little over one week since crossing the finish line in the town square of San Pedro de Atacama. I hope everyone has recovered well. G ...

Morning team, Stage 6 was a final slog into town 18.7km 'sprint' or hobble in my case. You could feel the excitmenet in the air at the start line ...
Atacamawüste Zum Zweiten
Ich bin die 250 km des Atacamacrossings erfolgreich zum zweiten mal nach 11 Jahren durchgelaufen. Dieses Rennen entspricht tatsächlich dem Motto ...
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Rest Day 2nd Update
This has been a sweet ‘rest day’, with everyone sitting under tarps in the heat of the day, resting, drinking water, and sharing thoughts ...

A Little Step On The Moon Valley, A Little Step Fo ...
Dear All, Tomorrow is the final stage of our race, so this is most likely my last post. It is nearly 16:00 somewhere in the desert not ...

“The Best Preparation For Tomorrow Is Doing Your B ...
My Winter Training As we all know, Mongolia is one of the coldest countries in the world. Especially in winter, the average daytime temperature reach ...
Tracking Progress And Starting Fresh: My Strava Jo ...
Happy New Year, Everyone! 🎉 Hello! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season filled with joy. As we step into this new year, I wish you nothing b ...

Every Day, I Think About 250 KM - Fr.
Every single day, at least once, my mind drifts to the daunting yet thrilling challenge ahead: running 250 kilometers across the desert and grasslands ...
Couch To .... 250 K !
If I am here tonight, writing this blog while planning my training for the next 8 months, it’s only because of an app called “Couch to 5K& ...

Reflections Post Race
It's taken a week and a half to process the enormity of my third desert crossing with RacingThePlanet. Without any doubt, this was the single most cha ...

Post Race - Reflections
It has been a little more than one week since we crossed the finish line on the beach in Swakopmund. It was epic! I hope everyone is recovering well. ...

Post Race Post
What did I learn?It was hot. It was difficult. You can live off the fat of your body for a long time.Salt and water are most important.Chicken boulli ...
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Stage 6 – The Finish.
Last 10 km, done. We were always going to finish the last stage if we made it past the long march. The route was mostly soft sand, and we did it in ju ...
We are DONE! We ran the last 10km this morning at full speed - impatient to get to the beach bar finish line with its promises of cold drinks and rea ...

Time To Look Back
A month after returning, I find myself reflecting on what was truly one of the most incredible race experiences of my life. While I’ve always be ...

What Worked - Food
It's always good to look back at what went well and what worked in an event and perhaps useful for those looking towards Antarctica 2026 or just their ...

Post Race - Reflections
Post Race - Reflections It has been a few weeks since we crossed the finish line on an active volcanic island called Deception. I hope everyone is re ...

Whales, Penguins, And A Lot Of Back And Forth And ...
The setting for today was not to be believed. Every time i looked out over the cove in which the ship was docked at the ring of snow-covered peaks, fl ...

Final Preparations
With only 11 days until departing for Buenos Aires, Argentina and 16 days until we board the M/V Plancius in Ushuaia, the packing is well under way an ...

Que Lo Pario Que Duro!!
Hola hola aca estamos ya gracias a dios en el campamento luego de no se como terminar esta etapa duriiisima!! Tenemos las piernas rotas de taanta pie ...

Stage 5
Well it’s done !!! That was the toughest 1 day stage I have ever done..both mentally & physically. The heat was incredible ...

99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall
Spending 8hrs in the desert can actually mess with your head and bring you to tears. Thankfully my tears were on day one as the pressure from having a ...

Stage 2 Update
Another stage down. Slept well through the night and reapplied heel cap for my heel blister. Started well and ran the first 10kms or so. &nb ...

La Séptima Y Primera Vez...
Es lindo mirar para trás y recordar todas las lindas experiencias Vividas con Racing The Planet, (2012: Atacama, Gobi-China, Sahara y Antardida ...