Gobi March Blogs 2023

Lara Reynolds



Gobi March (2023) blog posts from Lara Reynolds

22 June 2023 02:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Long day done!  So glad It’s over.  It was again a very brutal day.  The sun was a complete scorcher.  I am sure my water and electrolyte’s got to 40 Celsius. 
The course was stunning.  Rolling hills and a few climbs from Start to CP3.  Then we had a lovely water well with freezing water, which I completely immersed myself in - and off course a big mountain just after that.  Made it up to enjoy the view, just to have to descend via a gully with very loose rock and conveniently placed Nettle bushes both sides of the flags, which nearly got me when I slipped and fell towards the end.  I think that would have been an automatic DNF for me.
It was all a bit wobbly after CP3 - with very hot weather, so I felt nauseous for at least the next two checkpoints.  It helped getting to CP5 and realising we only had  25 km left to camp - although it felt like 30 km!
Ran along the mountains of Mongolia with the wild horses as the sun was setting - which was truly magical, if you forget about the big green bugs that would settle on your bag and inch their way to your face!  
But hey, I made it to Camp 5.  Now only 1 Camp to go after Day 5 and then we can hit those showers

Comments: Total (5) comments

Carla Botha

Posted On: 25 Jun 2023 06:04 am

Well done Lara!!!!

Rajah T

Posted On: 24 Jun 2023 11:49 am

Congratulation s Lara. Incredible effort.

Elke Slinger

Posted On: 22 Jun 2023 02:09 pm

Well done Lara! You can be so proud! Enjoy the last stretch. Cheering you on from Namibia! Mooi loop! dala what you must!!! :) :) Groete! Elke Slinger Namibia

Lourens Roets

Posted On: 22 Jun 2023 11:43 am

Well done, Lara - jy is amper klaar en job done! Jy kan uitsien na 'n lekker break in Knysna binnekort!

Karen Neubrandt

Posted On: 22 Jun 2023 09:18 am

Hi Lara Excuse me, I just love following you guys who RTP. I think you are utterly incredibly tough, tenacious and driven. Well done for finishing the ling march. It sounds so contradictory, brutal vs beautiful. Just imagine, you are running where dinosaurs roamed!!! What a privilege. Enjoy your down time, and especially the finish line. Great respect from an avid RTP fan in NZ.

20 June 2023 06:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

We had a climb up a very Rocky Mountain from camp. Then a gorgeous run through some ruins.  Then the fun started after checkpoint 2.  We had the worst dunes I have ever experienced.  Some people like this - not me.  Jen van Gorder - I thought of you so much with you UP UP UP! I was literally crawling up with my hands covered in sand.  It was intense up and down hills - not like Namibia where you had one big climb and then you were on top of the dune for a while.  We had a water point after the dunes, where I could clean out the bucket of sand I had accumulated in my shoes!  
Just to finish it off for us - they made us ended with some sand and dunes again.
It was also really hot today. I am hoping tomorrow will have less elevation.  Just finishing this - and yes - its a walk you know - I am walking - not running.  Listening my load today ahead of the 80km tomorrow!
Thanks for your blogs and plz keep them coming!

Comments: Total (10) comments

Nadine Rolland

Posted On: 23 Jun 2023 03:45 pm

Hi Lara - beautiful scenery - looks tough out there, but we are all proud of you. Short run tomorrow - enjoy.

Yolande Hansen

Posted On: 23 Jun 2023 05:34 am

Well done Lara !! We are proud of you and looking forward to the final results...enjoy every moment xxx

Simon Lacey

Posted On: 21 Jun 2023 10:34 pm

HI Lara.- you are doing so brilliantly!!! Bloody Well done. Looks tough. Wishing you all the very best for the final couple of days. You can do this!!! Congratulation!! - Much love - Simon (from Antarctica) x

Sharon Grosse

Posted On: 21 Jun 2023 04:41 pm

Long March behind you now and we’ll done on a jolly decent time. Hope you were able to enjoy some of it. X

Gart Reynolds

Posted On: 21 Jun 2023 02:06 pm

Looks like you are having a good time and actually walking abit this time… Hope you recover enough from the long day to keep going. Good luck - break a leg…

Ronan Reynolds

Posted On: 21 Jun 2023 01:51 pm

You’re doing great mom, I hope you’re enjoying the race. Wishing you luck, Ronan

Carla Botha

Posted On: 20 Jun 2023 08:49 pm

Wow, well done Lara! Keep going!!! You've got this

Julie Widdison

Posted On: 20 Jun 2023 06:45 pm

Well done Lara!!! Stay strong and keep up the great work!!! Cheering for you from Utah!!! ~Julie

Sharon Ashton

Posted On: 20 Jun 2023 05:05 pm

Just catching up with your blog ! You are incredible - will be following you and sending you strong legs and lungs …

Andy Reynolds

Posted On: 20 Jun 2023 02:59 pm

Well done on Day 3. Sounds like it was a tough day on the beach. Rest well, and good luck on the long march. Liam says good luck and missing you. Andy

18 June 2023 10:00 pm (GMT+08:00) Irkutsk, Ulaan Bataar

Today’s start was great. Perfect running conditions.  It was nice and cool and we had a nice flat 15 km. 
There was a monster of a hill just after the second checkpoint and then a huge bog just before the finish, which left me covered in mud! 
I reconnected with Jon Williamson whom I first met at RTP in Sri Lanka.  Jon is now one of the course setters, so I was semi cursing him trying to scale that mountain. 
Mongolia is stunning.  We have the most spectacular camping sites. 
Lovely to make new friends and to connect with all the old ones from all our previous races.
Tomorrow is a long one 45 km, so we will be in at camp a bit later and might not blog

Comments: Total (2) comments

Sharon Grosse

Posted On: 19 Jun 2023 10:13 am

Great to see you at the front of things. Well done on stage 2 completion, looked hot.

Matt Reynolds

Posted On: 19 Jun 2023 09:52 am

Nice! Good to see you 'walking' the course yesterday and today, doing really well!

15 June 2023 11:11 am (GMT) Greenwich Mean Time: Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London

View from my room
Super excited! I arrived after midnight last night. Many competitors are arriving today and tomorrow and I am looking forward to meeting all these new and old inspiring friends.                 It's been a tough few months of training and recovering from Covid when I was supposed to peak in my training. However, I am here, in one piece and I can't wait to enjoy this beautiful countryside. A fellow passenger on my flight last night told me that he thought Mongolia was the most beautiful country he had ever had the pleasure of visiting, so I am really looking forward to enjoying this race. 

Off to explore my surrounds and hopefully catching up with some fellow competitors for dinner tonight ?‍??? 

Comments: Total (3) comments

Suan Koh

Posted On: 19 Jun 2023 12:20 pm

Hi Lara, I’m sure it will be an amazing feeling at the end when you will finally complete all the 4Desert Races! Ganbatte 💪🏼 Congratulations! 🎉 But I’m sure you will go for more! :) Keep up the good work! Suan

Jen Vangorder

Posted On: 18 Jun 2023 11:13 pm

Wishing you all the best on your adventure run. Keep moving forward and don’t forget to enjoy your surroundings. Go Lara!

Samantha Fanshawe

Posted On: 16 Jun 2023 07:22 pm

So glad that you've made it to the Mongolia safely. That is quite the statement from your fellow passenger. It is a beautiful country, I hope you feel the same about it once you get out to the steppe.